Our mission

We want to create visually captivating artwork that accurately represents scientific concepts and make it accessible to both scientists and the general public. Our goal is to bridge the gap between science and art by involving scientists in the creation process.

Crameri, F., G.E. Shephard, and E.O. Straume (2022, Pre-print), The open collection of geoscience graphics, EarthArXiv, https://doi.org/10.31223/X51P78


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The Team

Fabio Crameri Profile image

Fabio Crameri

Researcher and graphic designer (Undertone.design) with expertise in globe-scale geodynamics, numerical modelling, scientific visualisation and outreach.

Grace Shephard

Grace E. Shephard

Researcher (POLARIS) with expertise in Arctic research, plate reconstruction, seismic tomography, scientific visualisation and outreach.

Eivind O. Straume

Eivind O. Straume

Researcher with expertise in paleo-bathymetry, ocean sediments, scientific visualisation and outreach.

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